WHO announces date of visit to Turkmenistan

The relevant mission will arrive in the country on July 6 and will be there for 10 days.

The World Health Organization’s mission plans to arrive in Turkmenistan on July 6. A statement was made by Catherine Smallwood, Senior Emergency Specialist of WHO Regional Office for Europe on July 5. It was reported to CentralAsia.news by the UN press office.

Smallwood highlighted that she will lead the delegation. According to her, WHO representatives will be in Turkmenistan for 10 days. The main purpose of the trip is to prepare the Turkmen government to fight against the novel coronavirus infection.

Together with local experts, specialists of the organization will conduct a risk assessment and develop a pandemic response plan. During the visit, WHO staff will check the work of hospitals, laboratories, and points of entries.

Smallwood marked that the visit was postponed several times due to epidemiological restrictions. The officer also underlined that she is looking forward to learning more about the situation with coronavirus in Turkmenistan.

It must be added that on March 31, the Turkmen authorities met with UN representatives to review the draft Country preparedness and response plan on COVID-19. Now, no cases of coronavirus are reported in the state.

06 июл 2020, 15:16
Photo source: bbc.com

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