High-ranking government officials in Uzbekistan to use public transport

President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev approved a draft Decree on the implementation of the state programme for 2024 that envisages observing a Car Free Day each month. According to this document, government employees will use only public transport on that day, Gazeta.uz reported.

The main aim of this action is to reduce car traffic in cities. Those responsible for the implementation of this initiative will be appointed from the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change and the Tashkent Administration.

It is proposed to gradually restrict the use of vehicles which do not meet Euro 5 and higher standards. This restriction will apply to Tashkent, Nukus and the administrative centres of the regions. Furthermore, the authorities of Uzbekistan are going to restrict the movement of heavy vehicles of N2, N3 and O4 categories on the streets of Tashkent during rush hours.

02 фев 2024, 08:31
Photo source: pxhere.com

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