Animated films in Kyrgyz shown in public transport in Bishkek

Animated films in the Kyrgyz language are shown in public transport in Bishkek. This news was confirmed by the press office of the Bishkek Mayor’s Office, TASS reports.

Animated films to be shown will be short. This decision was adopted as part of implementation of the Constitutional Law On the State Language. The administration, headed by Aibek Zhunushaliev, clarified that the first animated films for small children in the Kyrgyz language have been released in Kyrgyzstan.

The Kyrgyz language is the state language, and the Russian language is the official language in the Republic. Since July, all civil servants, deputies, military personnel and judges must speak the Kyrgyz language and use it when performing their official duties. Furthermore, up to 60% of broadcasts must be in the Kyrgyz language. The Law states that Russian as the official language in Kyrgyzstan but does not indicate explicitly in which areas its use is mandatory.

20 янв 2024, 13:00
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