Bread goes up 6% in Kazakhstan

The price of macaroni products rose as well.

In Kazakhstan, the price of bread has been steadily rising throughout the current year. By the end of July, the price of the strategic product has risen 6%. Experts attributed this to the decline in bakery, flour and macaroni production. The EnergyProm economic monitoring project presented the report.

According to the source, bread production decreased the most, namely by 21.3%, which is approximately 266,600 tonnes less than in previous years. The production of macaroni products, noodles and other products of this kind decreased by 17.9%, which is 75,600 tonnes less than in previous years. The production of cakes and short-term storage confectionery products decreased by 17.7%, i.e. 13,900 tonnes less than in previous years.

In this sector, an insignificant increase in the production of dried flours, such as rusks, biscuits and other long-term storage products, was recorded only.

Experts noted that the decline in production had resulted in an increase in bread price. The price of bread increased by almost 6%, the price of rye bread increased by 9.2%. The price of macaroni products increased by 10.3%, and the price of noodles – one of the favourite additions to Kazakh dishes increased by 11.6%.

03 авг 2021, 09:48
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